31 August 2010

first post from italy!

1) i had to look up that spelling on dictionary.com translator
2) in this process my roommate informed me that it does not actually mean hello, but it means good morning. so... yea. oh well.

quick post and pics if i can figure out how to do that cuz i'm so jetlagged. note rome is +7 hrs from US central time. i took some short naps on the plane and bus but definitely not enough to have been awake for this long. taking a shower and sleeping right after this. so anyways! first bit is that i ended up not having to travel here alone. turns out i was on the same flight as two of my studiomates so thank God, that made things much much better. we flew from dfw to frankfurt, about 10 hrs which i didn't really think was that bad. then waited 1.5 hrs in frankfurt before flying off to rome. now for pictures.

this is the first picture i took in rome, which has an ugly reflection from the bus window but i've decided in my tiredness that none of the pics on this post will have any postprocessing. i obviously wasn't happy with how this pic came out but there can only be one first pic taken.
on the way to castiglion fiorentino, the city we're staying in, i was thinking, 'haha.. we are literally under the tuscan sun. wait, is that a book or a movie?' good moments of jetlag. 

after the 3 hr bus ride, these are the GORGEOUS views of the tuscan countryside from our room's window! 

on the way to my first gelato, which honestly was not the best i've ever had but there are already plans to try another place tmrw =] first one's blurry cuz i was moving too much.

then stopped at a pub type place, i don't rlly know what to call it. there was a bar, pool tables, and video games.

melynn! then a few of us were too tired to even focus on sitting and watching other ppl play pool so we walked back to santa chiara (the name of the study center) and happily discovered that i do indeed get wifi in my dorm. WOOHOO! anyhow, roomie jus got out of the shower so perfect timing =] i miss everyone at homee please comment anything and keep me updated on your lives!


  1. that camera you bought is really good! i like the clarity of these pictures. time for some food photos!!

  2. uhh i didn't buy it. it's borrowed from my dad. i haven't taken any food photos cuz i had fast food at the airport and didn't photograph our meals at school. maybe i'll take pics of dinner tonight.

  3. that's very generous of him! what kind of dorm food does the school provide? anything to do with tiramisu (not the johnny kind)?

  4. the first course is bread, the second is some kind of pasta, third is meat and veggies, then fruit. much better than dorm food at school!

  5. as it is said, "there can only be one first pic taken." there can only be one first meal eaten~ :D waiting for more posts! it's about to rain over here.....

  6. http://www.unstage.com/2010/08/photography-dirk-wiedlein/

  7. angelaaaaaaa

    your pics look beau-ti-ful! (haha your camera makes everything look good! even a picture through the bus window @_@)

    i hope everything is going well for you there! :D

    udpate us more with pics and stuff!

    miss you!

